ASUU faults management over sack of 44 Staff school teachers

HE crisis over the sack of 44 primary school teachers of the Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA) staff school by the authorities deepened as parents of pupils of the school were asked to shun the resumption date next week.
Members of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) of the institution accused the authorities of high handedness, insensitivity and gross misconduct over the sack of 44 staff of the school on January 4, 2016 Addressing newsmen in Akure, the institution ASUU chairman, Dr.
Bola Oniya said the Federal Government only shifted their remuneration to the university, “but did not licence councils to go on a sacking spree as maturely demonstrated by other governing councils in other Federal universities.”
The union declared that the school can only reopen when all the sacked staff are recalled, change the “illicit attempt” to change the school name and return the salaries received from January to date by the new18 staff to the coffers of the institution. Oniya lamented that the action had since made over 900 pupils of the school “to become Internally Displaced Pupils (IDPs) by the university council and its decision to change the school appellation to FUTA Model Primary School.”

Read more at: Vanguard News
