Alleged Budget Padding: Jibrin Threatens to take Speaker Dogara to EFCC and ICPC

Former Chairman, House of Representatives Committee on Appropriation, Abdulmumin Jibrin has insisted 

that he will never apologise to the Speaker of the House, Yakubu Dogara over allegations of the padded 

2016 budget. In a series of tweets reacting to the Speaker’s statements issued, Jibrin wrote, “I will not and 

will never apologise to a shameless fraud in high office who has glaringly abused public trust like speaker 

Dogara and 3 others”.
 Read Also: More Trouble for Speaker Dogara. Reps gather 113 signatures Seeking his probe by EFCC

 The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Yakubu Dogara had in a statement gave Jibrin a seven-day 

ultimatum to tender an unreserved apology to him and retract all allegations made against him or face legal 

action. The Kano Lawmaker representing Kiru/Bebeji Federal Constituency in the National assembly 

described the legal action threats by Speaker Dogara as “quite predicable”. Jibrin wrote through his verified 

twitter account, “@AbdulAbmJ: I know he will rush to court in order to invoke the house rules that matter 

in court cannot be heard on the floor.” Jibrin, an All Progressives Congress lawmaker who accused Dogara 

and 3 others of allocating projects worth N40bn to themselves in the 2016 budget continued, “I have 

responded to their allegations rather than respond to mine, he is rushing to court. I stand by my allegations 

and will not withdraw them”. Mr Jibrin noted, “He failed to realize that the law is not intended to protect 

corrupt people. It is such a shame.” The unperturbed Kano Lawmaker also announced that his lawyer’s 

have approached the Independent Corrupt Practices and other related offences Commission as well as the 

Economic and Financial Crimes Commission. “ I am happy to announce that my lawyers have officially 

approached the EFCC and the ICPC towards working out a date for me to personally submit my petition 

against Speaker Yakubu Dogara, Deputy Speaker Yusuf Lasun, Whip Alhassan Doguwa and Minority Leo 

Ogor. “I believe once a date is agreed with the anti- corruption agencies, we would have begun the process 

of making these characters pay for abusing their office”. Jibrin, had demanded the immediate resignation of 

Dogara and the three other principal officers for allocating N40bn to themselves out of N100bn earmarked 

for the constituency projects of all lawmakers.
Dogara and Jibrin
