Whatsapp Beta Update Now Allows For Editing And Retracting Messages

WhatApp is one of the most popular messaging applications available at the moment. The developers are always working on improving and adding new features to the app. Usually, the WhatsApp Beta users get any update first, so that users can check and see how that works out. The latest WhatsApp Beta update now allows the user to edit and revoke their messages.

Sent a text with typo errors or sent it to the wrong person? Well, it looks as if WhatsApp is working on rectifying these issues. In the latest update, 2.17.26 users can find the Edit feature in the upper right corner. The ability to retract messages are also present in this section but at the moment they are in development. @WABetainfo on Twitter mentions that at the moment these features have been disabled after they were rolled out to the beta versions.

The other feature that will be coming to Whatsapp is the ability to delete status from the Status Bar. The Status bar is a feature very similar to Instagram Stories. This also shows that the developing team is working the best features from other platforms in their own app. It will be interesting to see how this works out. This feature along with the other tow mentioned before is disabled.
These features hint at the direction the company is taking in terms of adding new features and functionalities. Keeping things up-to-date and listening to consumers is very important as that is what will drive growth. We are excited and cannot wait to see these updates up and working and being rolled out to every user.
