George Akume is not my godfather – Gov. Ortom

Gov. Ortom
Governor Samuel Ortom, in this interview, speaks on the farmers/herdsmen crisis in Benue State, the controversy dogging the selection of new first class chiefs, construction of a new cargo airport in the state inspite of the backlog of unpaid salaries, among other issues. Excerpts: 

On the fear of bloody crisis between Benue farmers and Fulani herdsmen ahead of the dry season. 

The dry season is the period we have herdsmen trooping into the state, and I want our people to understand that two wrongs cannot make a right. To check the conflict between herdsmen and farmers in the state, we have set up various committees at the state and local government levels. At the state level, we have a committee that is compared of my Adviser on Security, the Commissioner of Police, other security agencies including the Army, Maiyatti Allah and vigilante groups in order to check any crisis. At the local government level, the sole administrators are the Chairmen of the committees which include the traditional rulers. We also went down to the ward levels where the district heads are the Chairmen while Maiyatti Allah and the Civilian JTF are members. 

They will continue to keep vigil to ensure that there are no trespasses on farmlands and where any occurs we make sure that the persons concerned are sanctioned. The people also know that the carrot approach, the amnesty government declared on assumption of office, is over and now we have moved to the stick approach. So, anyone caught with arms will not be spared, whether you are a farmer or Fulani, we are going to arrest you. And where you resist, security agencies will deal with you. I want to appeal to our people that we do not want problems again. 

The herdsmen should restrain themselves. Where they are not permitted to go to or enter should be respected and complied with. The herdsmen should ensure that their cattle do not stray into people’s farms. The committee will also ensure that foreign herdsmen do not infiltrate and create problems. We are also going to take census of all the indigenous herdsmen that reside in the state. 

Our position on grazing is that there is no more land for grazing, more so that we are diversifying our economy and going to where we have comparative advantage hence everybody is going back to agriculture, so there is no land for grazing. 

The position of government is that we must adopt ranching as a way out of this problem. We have already sent a bill to the state House of Assembly and it is being given attention. We expect that the House will go ahead and pass that bill. 

Now, the fact is that the issue of ranching cannot just be done overnight. We need to find ways between the local, state and federal governments to create infrastructure that will create opportunity for these people to begin to ranch and where possible we need to indoctrinate and give the herdsmen new orientation that will pull them out from the jungle into civilized life. 

This will go a long way in helping. But the appeal to my people is that let’s not take the law into our hands and begin to do things that will further generate heat and problems for us. My advice is that if we will stand together we live better, it is live and let’s live. 

We will stand better wining and the other side too wining. We are better off that way. We have adopted these in several local governments and we can see that we have maximum peace in the state. These are dangerous times and we are at alert, myself and others are not sleeping again. We expect the people to feed us with any information that relates to threat to peace so that we can act immediately. I want to appeal to youths and farmers not to go against any herdsman or his cattle and where there are infringements we should be informed and decisive action will be taken to deal with the matter. 

I also want to point out that we have men here who have lived with us though the years, from other states, some were born here and inter-married here, so we know them; they are not violent, they relate peacefully with us. Nigeria is for everyone of us. But even if the troublesome ones allow their cattle to destroy anybody’s farm, they will be held accountable. But we also know that foreign ones come here.

Why is the state constructing a new cargo airport at this time of recession when workers salaries are not being paid? 

We are constructing a new cargo airport because the one mooted by the Federal Government at the Air Force Base was not feasible because of security implication. It was in a military airport which allowed commercial planes to operate within the airport but with restrictions.

 The cargo airport concept is a private initiative by a consortium which came through our advocacy for investments in Benue. Government, as you know, lacks the capacity to generate employment for our people and so, from my experience as a former Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, we saw the recession we are experiencing today coming.

 We were very active in ensuring Foreign Direct Investments, FDIs, into Nigeria and promoting made in Nigeria goods and things that could add value in our states rather than develop other countries through capital flight. We laid a very solid foundation for governance and the influx of FDIs. 

So when I assumed office as governor, I decided it was better to reach out. It was through our advocacy and reach out that we were able to attract this private sector initiative put together by a consortium. The project has received kudos and knocks. It’s kudos from those who understand what international trade is. Kudos from those who appreciate the magnitude of value addition to development in all spheres of life that the project will bring to Benue State, the food basket of the nation.

 It is going to be a hub that will attract attention not only in Nigeria but across West African countries, who will come and do business here. So those who are giving us knocks over the project are completely ignorant and uninformed. How I wished they would have sought for clarifications on the matter. 

This project is completely a private sector initiative. We need N38billion to complete it. It’s not just putting in place a cargo airport, we are talking about constructing a road network which the consortium is going to develop to enable the transportation of the agricultural produce that will be airlifted. 

It involves a training school, it involves clinics, it involves housing estates that will accommodate staff and because where this project will be sited is going to be a mega city, there would be a lot of shopping malls and several other things along the value chain that will be added. It is going to serve as a training school for air transport, pilots and accessories and several other things that will come with it. The government of Benue State is not committing one Naira to the project at this time, but because it is being sited in Benue State, the consortium and my economic team entered into an MoU and an agreement that it is not good to have this project in the state without having Benue State participation in it. 

They appreciated the fact that we do not have money, so they agreed to give us 15 percent equity so that the government could be part of it. They therefore agreed and arranged that the 15 percent equity that we are supposed to pay for which is about N5.7billion will be paid only when the project is completed and we have started receiving dividends. The dividend that will accrue to Benue will then be used to liquidate the debt which will be the payment for equity share. It is that simple. 

So the consortium is arranging money from China EXIM Bank to the tune of N32billion. And, of course, in a conference in South Africa, the President of China declared they have over N64billion for Africa. So those who understand this appreciate it because it is being done at a zero financial commitment of the state government. You can imagine the magnitude of opportunities that will be created as a result of this project. The number of jobs that will be created, wealth that will be created, the excitement around. 

On the issues surrounding the appointment of a new Tor Tiv and other first class chiefs in the state. 

We came in when the law to make provision for the establishment of the Benue State Council of Chiefs and Traditional Councils in the state and other purposes connected therein was enacted and assented into law by the former governor; but there were issues. 

The law did not capture the collective will of the people. There were loopholes and some were tailored towards favouring some individuals and we felt that this was not correct. And we took a look at it. One, it was hurriedly done and so many things were left out and so we took our time; unfortunately, may his soul rest in peace; our Royal Highness, the Tor Tiv, in the course of this died, so there was a vacuum. 

But we felt that before the next appointment, there should be a reflection of what we saw and what can be done to make it better for everyone to be seen as the law is protecting him or her. And so we started the process, though it has taken some time. First of all, it went through the State Executive Council, then the House of Assembly and they took time because they too decided to work with the people because we need public input and so there were public hearing in all the zones and then we had input from traditional rulers in the state. 

We got input from intellectuals; from all the people and, finally, the bill was passed and, recently, I assented to it and it has become law. The process of selection has started from the 14 local government areas of Tiv land. The time table came out and the various LGAs did their mock selection in their domains and we are restricting it to the replacement of kindred heads where vacancies exist as a result of death. But because we want to fastrack the selection of the new Tor Tiv, we decided that the third class chiefs should come first and thereafter go ahead to select the first class chiefs. 

That process is on. Some have complained that they are not comfortable with the arrangement in their domains but it was through the public hearing that the final copy of the law came out. When we conclude in the Tiv area, we will then move to the Idoma speaking area of the state and then do the same, so that we can have a full compliment of the royal fathers in place. 

I must point out that in the entire process no politician including myself had input. And I’ve warned the chiefs that if for any reason they take bribe in order to select a new Tor Tiv they will not eat the money because they will have to contend with God and not man.

 Because it would have been me that would do the imposition but we have left the job to the royal fathers of the land so that it will be done in a free and fair atmosphere in line with the dictates of God who makes a king. I have told them that as governor I have the right to accept any selection that is done fairly and transparently and also done in consonance with the law we have signed but where it is done contrary to that, I also reserve the right to reject it.

 So we are advocating that the whole thing should be done by consensus because they know where the various positions should go because they know the history. 

Some people in Benue State, particularly in Tiv land, have been insinuating that your godfather ( Senator George Akume) could just make a pronouncement and a new Tor Tiv will be appointed. 

Who is the godfather? I have no political godfather. God Almighty is my Godfather and I am doing His bidding. I am here to execute the counsel of God over the land of Benue and that is what I keep saying. All these things that people insinuate are not correct. If you talk about my leaders, Senator Akume and Senator Gemade, but especially my leader, Senator George Akume; when people insinuate; we don’t relate like that. Akume is a fair- minded man who also has the welfare of the people at heart. 

This is someone who can spend his last kobo on his enemy, you know? We were at a function when one of our stakeholders stood up and said that he appreciated this man and that even if you are his enemy, and you run into trouble, he can save you and then you can continue talking from there. This is a fair-minded man who loves the people. He is appreciated based on what he did.

 He supported me; he stood with me to be governor and I appreciate him and in governance he does not interfere with my government. If he wants a thing and it’s possible for me to do it, I do it because the Bible says you should not do evil to one who does good to you. If you do that, evil will never depart from your house. My relationship with him is that of a leader. But at this age and as governor, I have my rights. If he recommends something to me which I don’t like, which I have been doing; I will explain to him politely that this we cannot do, but other things that are doable, I allow to be done.

 He is a major stakeholder; a man who worked and retired as a permanent secretary, became governor for eight years, has been senator for three terms; he is a major stakeholder in Benue politics and in Benue development. So you cannot just brush him aside and say that he is nothing. 

But that does not mean that I must always do his bidding. Even if I were his biological son, once you come of age, you have the right to do the things that your father may not like. And so, that is our relationship and he has never imposed anything on me. All recommendations coming from him are very genuine which I appreciate. 

But I am telling you that the issue of selecting and appointing traditional rulers is something that I am under divine instruction not to interfere with or allow anybody to interfere. Let us do the right thing. And I repeat, even as governor, I am not interfering, so who will come and interfere in the matter?

Read more at: Vanguard News

Benue House of Assembly passes Sport Marketing, Lottery board bill

The bill for the establishment of Benue Sports Marketing and Lottery Board was on Wednesday passed by the Benue House of Assembly.
The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that during the clause to clause consideration of the bill, the Speaker, Mr Terkimbi Ikyange, said the board would transform sports into revenue yielding venture.
Ikyange added that it would also regulate lottery activities in the state.
He said that the board should consist of a Chairman who shall be the Commissioner for Youth and Sports and an Alternate Chairman to be appointed by the operating company.
It will also have the Permanent Secretary of the sports ministry and the Permanent Secretaries of the Ministries of Finance and Justice.
The rest are the Chairman, Board of Internal Revenue Service, two members of the public and four people to be nominated by the governor.
Ikyange said that they shall hold office for tenure of four years or as can be determined by the governor at the time of his appointment.
He added that the board may be eligible for reappointment for one further term at the end of his first term in office.
“The governor shall suspend any member of the board in the event of institution of any criminal proceedings in a court of law on charges of theft, fraud, forgery, gross misconduct, falsifying of document, perjury or any offence involving dishonesty against such a member.
“The governor shall appoint another person for the remainder of the period for which the person in respect of whom the vacancy arose had been appointed,’’ he said.
The speaker said that the allowances of the board shall vary according the functions they performed or the responsibility they handled.
He also said that any company or person who contravened any regulation governing the conduct of other lotteries shall on conviction be liable to a fine of N250,000 or imprisonment for two years or both.

Read More at: Authority News

Governor Wike lands in serious trouble as police move against him over leaked audio

Nigeria’s Inspector General of Police (IGP), Ibrahim K. Idris, has set up a panel of officers to investigate various incidents that took place during the recent legislative elections in Rivers State, including telephone conversations obtained and released by SaharaReporters in which the state governor, Nyesom Wike, discussed bribes to electoral officials to rig the polls. In the phone conversations, the governor could also be heard threatening to kill officials of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) who took cash from him if they did not meet his demands.

A statement released today by Don Awunah, a Deputy Commissioner of Police and public relations officer at the police headquarters in Abuja, stated that IGP Idris decided to set up an investigative panel “in response to the statement credited to the INEC chairman, Professor Yakubu Mahmud, to the effect that there were seventy incidents that tended to derail the December 10, 2016 re-run elections in Rivers State.”
DCP Awunah disclosed that the panel, headed by a Deputy Commissioner of Police with vast experience in investigations, has 30 days to complete its investigation. He vowed that the panel’s findings would be made public.

According to Mr. Awunah, the panel of detectives and experts would “conduct a thorough investigation into the incidents mentioned by the INEC chairman with a view to unraveling those who directly or indirectly are responsible for such incidences and bring them to justice.”

The police spokesman added that the panel “is also mandated to conduct forensic analysis on the audio report released by Sahara Reporters purportedly to be the voice of the Executive Governor of Rivers State, His Excellency Chief (Barr.) Nyesom Wike (CON) pertaining to the concluded elections.”

The Inspector General urged INEC and the Rivers State government “to avail the investigative team with facts at their disposal and grant them the desired cooperation and assistance to achieve a comprehensive and conclusive investigation.” It also called on election observers, civil society groups, human rights watchers and other stakeholders to also provide any valuable information at their disposal.

The statement added, “The Nigeria Police Force is committed to enthroning the principles of democratic policing and [to ensure] that the IGP’s master plan on election security takes hold in Nigeria in accordance with international best practices and core value of Policing with integrity.”

Read More at: SaharaReporters

Senate Confirmation: How SSS Lied Against EFCC Boss, Magu - Premium Times

On Thursday, the Nigerian Senate declined to confirm the appointment of Ibrahim Magu as substantive chair of the country’s premier anti-graft agency, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).

The upper legislative chamber claimed it could not approve the presidency’s request to confirm Mr. Magu based on a security report forwarded to it by the State Security Service.

“The Senate wishes to inform the public that based on available security report, the Senate cannot proceed with the confirmation of Ibrahim Magu as Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission,” the spokesperson for the Senate, Aliyu Abdullahi, said in a statement read to journalists.

“The nomination of Ibrahim Magu is hereby rejected and has been returned to the President for further action,” Mr. Abdullahi said.

The Senate did not provide the EFCC chairman an opportunity to respond to the allegations against him.

PREMIUM TIMES has obtained details of the security report on which the lawmakers based their decision and has investigated the claims against Mr. Magu.

We fact-checked some of the claims made by the SSS, and below are our findings:

ALLEGATION ONE: That during the tenure of Farida Waziri as EFCC chairperson, sensitive documents were found in Mr. Magu’s home.

The facts do not support that claim. A reporter for this newspaper extensively reported that event in 2008 when it happened, and is familiar with what transpired at the time.

Based on pressure from political gladiators of the period (among which were former Governors James Ibori and Bukola Saraki), then President Musa Yar’Adua unceremoniously removed Nuhu Ribadu as chairman of the EFCC.

After Mr. Ribadu’s departure, his successor, Mrs. Waziri, frustrated some of his closest and most resourceful aides in the commission, and harassed them for prolonged period.

Mr. Magu, who was a chief superintendent of police at the time, was sent away from the EFCC and his Lagos and Abuja homes were raided by operatives even before he had the opportunity to hand over to Umar Sanda as head of the Economic Governance Unit of the commission. He was later detained for three weeks.

Following complaints by Mrs. Waziri, the then Inspector General of Police, Mike Okiro, queried Mr. Magu, accusing him of serious misconduct. One of the allegations against him was that he removed and withheld EFCC files.

On August 25, 2008, Mr. Magu replied the query, explaining to the IGP that no unauthorized EFCC official documents were found in his home.

“I wish to state that the nature of my assignment at the EFCC is such that I worked round the clock and it was impossible for me to do my work effectively without working on some documents at home,” he wrote to Mr. Okiro at the time. “This is the reason I maintain an office bag where documents relating to investigations were kept. The documents listed were found in my office bag which I was in the process of handing over and were not found hidden anywhere in my house.

“It is therefore not the correct position to say that I bluntly refused to hand over EFCC’s property and documents. I had just concluded handing over the Abuja office and I was in Lagos to conclude handing over the Lagos office when the search was conducted. At the time of the search, I had not reported to my new command. It could therefore not be my intention to keep government documents in my house.

“I have suffered untold humiliation within the past one month. My home was ransacked, vandalized and my properties destroyed by men of the EFCC. I was detained in a cell meant for hardened criminals most of whom are armed robbers for three weeks. My health condition deteriorated as a result of his inhuman treatment meted out to me for doing my job diligently and with the pride required of a senior police officer of my rank in the Nigerian Police Force.

“I humbly implore the Inspector General of Police to totally exonerate me from blame and the said acts of serious misconduct because I was not involved and I am not involved. I will never be discouraged in my unrelenting war against crime and its associated manifestations as enshrined in the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.”

After investigation, the police IG exonerated Mr. Magu, posted him to the police’s Special Fraud Unit and promoted him to the rank of Assistant Commissioner of Police shortly afterwards.

ALLEGATION TWO: That Mr. Magu currently occupies a residence rented for N40 million at N20 million per annum. This accommodation was not paid [for] from the commission’s (EFCC) finances, but by one Umar Mohammed, air commodore retired.

This claim is also untrue.

PREMIUM TIMES has obtained evidence showing the property in question was paid for by the Federal Capital Development Administration, and not Mr. Umar.

The E-Payment schedule, dated March 31, was issued by to the branch controller of Central Bank, Abuja, in favour of M/S Valcour SA Nigeria Limited.

The company was paid N39.628 million as payment for two-year rent and furnishing of the property, located in upscale Maitama district of Abuja.

The payment schedule was signed by Isiyaku Ismaila and confirmed by Zanna A. Hamza.

Mr. Magu lived in Karu, a suburb of Abuja, before his appointment as acting EFCC chair. With his new position, Mr. Magu moved into an official residence provided by the FCDA.

ALLEGATION 3: That the acting EFCC chairman regularly embarked on official and private trips through a private jet owned by embattled Air Commodore Mohammed Umar (Rtd).

PREMIUM TIMES checks show that this is not entirely correct. Our investigations indicate that Mr. Magu first met Mr. Umar when both of them worked as members of the Presidential Committee on the investigation of arms procurement. At the time, Mr. Umar was very close to President Muhammadu Buhari and had unlimited access to the presidential villa. Both men became close during the assignment.

Our investigations indicate that once this year, Mr. Magu travelled to Kano in company of EFCC’s director of finance and that in charge of organizational support. Those familiar with the trip said on their way back to Abuja, Mr. Umar, who at the time remained Mr. Magu’s colleague at the presidential committee, and who was at the time not in any trouble with the SSS, gave the two officials a lift.

We are unable to find any evidence that Mr. Magu flew in Mr. Umar’s private jet at any other time. Neither were we able to establish that the EFCC chairman flew to Maiduguri alongside Mr. Umar and a bank MD being investigated by the EFCC over complicity in funds allegedly stolen by former Petroleum Minister, Diezani Alison-Madueke.

While some insiders at the commission denied the allegation, we could not independently verify the claims.

ALLEGATION 4: On 24 June, 2016, he (Magu) flew Emirate airlines first-class to Saudi Arabia to perform lesser hajj at the cost of N2.9m. This is in spite of Mr President’s directive to all public servants to fly economy class.

Insiders say while it was true that Mr. Magu indeed flew first class to Saudi Arabia for lesser hajj, he did not pay for the ticket with public funds. We could not however confirm this claim independently.

Read More at: Premium Times

MMM Top Man, Chuddy Ugorji, Got New SUV From MMM Guiders As Wedding Gift (Pics)

As apprehension over the fate of millions of participants in the Mavrodi Mondial Moneybox or MMM mounts in Nigeria after accounts were frozen, information emerged that some individuals might have become far richer than anyone can expect.

Some, it was learnt, have been made millionaires by the platform, but in the case of few others like one of MMM’s top men, Chuddy Ugorji, the gain may have run into billions.

Ugorji, who is the number one guider on the platform, has been the subject of different speculations, some of which claimed he might have made more than N1bn over the last one year.

Social media pictures of him on luxury boat rides or at luxury spots might have a lot to do with his new found wealth.

On the MMM website, Ugorji shared his testimonies showing that he got millions of naira from people who had “provided help” to him.

A screenshot even showed that Ugorji got up to N6m at a point.

MMM runs in a peer to peer donation system, in which you “provide help” by donating money to another participant and “get help” by requesting for money after some days with a 30 per cent increase in the initial donation made.

Ugorji was said to have joined MMM’s global platform in 2015 and has been its spirited promoter in Nigeria ever since.

There is no doubt that since becoming MMM’s top man, life has not been the same for the Imo State indigene, who describes himself as an online entrepreneur and businessman on his Facebook account.
Recently, photographs from his recent wedding, which took place at the Elshadai Covenant Church, Abule-Egba, Lagos, emerged online, given the first peek at the life of an individual, who leaves one in no doubt that the platform has been wonderful to him.

His wife, Chiamaka, who has also been a spirited defender of MMM’s credibility, is a graduate of the Imo State University and an indigene of the state as Ugorji. Before her husband released a statement on the fears over MMM on Friday, Chimaka had consistently written on her Facebook, assuring participants that their investments were safe.

Ugorji’s wedding was attended by celebrities and other guiders of MMM. The apparently lavish weddingwas MMM-themed with guests wearing MMM-crested sashes, while even the couple’s cake bore the MMM logo. To cap the royalty of the wedding, entertainment at the reception was provided by the Limpopo crooner, Kcee.

The important position Ugorji occupies in the MMM community came to light when he revealed on his Facebook wall that MMM guiders presented him with a brand Hyundai Crete SUV as a wedding gift.

“Thank you to our wonderful family, friends and great MMM community for your love, support and generosity. Our wedding day was indeed made so much memorable because of your presence and your blessings, MMM Guiders surprised me with a brand new Hyundai Crete SUV Jeep as a wedding gift may God bless you all for me,” he said on Facebook on November 13.

Ugorji, a son of a reverend, is a graduate of one of India’s distant learning universities, Karnataka State Open University, where he studied Business Administration.

Despite refutations by Ugorchi, some Nigerians have suggested that he actually brought MMM to Nigeria.

A Twitter user, Amadi Noel, tweeted ago about an alleged deal between Ugorchi and a Philipino millionaire.

Ugorchi himself had shared a photograph he took with a woman he called Ritta on Facebook in January.

The photograph was apparently taken in Dubai, where he allegedly finalised his deal on MMM Nigeria.

“With Ritta my partner and leader, a great woman and multi-millionaire. Am blessed (sic) to work with such a successful leader because success is contentious,” Ugorji captioned the photograph.

But in a statement he shared on his Facebook wall on Friday, Ugorchi, denied having any deal with any Philipino, explaining that MMM Nigeria is run by Russian, Sergei Mavrodi and controlled in Russia.

“The MMM website is being managed in Russia by their control and supervisory team .They are responsible for every decision made,like pairing of participants to provide help and get help,resolving issues on the platform. I have never been to Philippines,the stories about going to the Philippines are untrue,” he said.

However, many sceptics say those who have money in the system should probably not hold their breath.

But Ugorji laid the blame for the panic about MMM following the freeze on accounts on the doorstep of the media.
 “Some ignorant Nigerians who don’t understand what MMM is all about have been brainwashed by the information broadcasted (sic) by the media and social networks. Bloggers who get paid for promoting rumour, when ignorant Nigerians click on their blogs, Google Ad Sense pays them per click. Hence they seized this opportunity to enrich themselves,” he said in his statement.

However, it is not just the high-level position of Ugorji in MMM that came to light over the last one week, there are claims that he might have made over N1bn in the last one year from MMM.

But he said that “(I) am not the administrator of MMM but one of the top guiders of this great community.”

As if to address the issue of how much he had made from the platform, he later states, “every guider in the MMM community has a limit to withdrawal and I have never made withdrawals above my limit.”

However, he maintained that the freeze on Mavro (MMM version of credits), was just a measure to prevent the actual collapse feared by participants.

According to him, that MMM has collapsed is far from the truth.

He said, “The reason for this measure is evident. The system needs to prevent any problems that might arise during this festive season and this measure will be cancelled once the festive season comes to an end.

Frozen of mavros does not mean MMM has stopped operations or crashed rather the system has adopted this measure to avoid any mishaps. The support system are working on issues to enhance the effectiveness of the community.”

But it is unclear whether his statement has done much to restore confidence of Nigerians in the platform. Some say all the participants need to learn as lesson is to look at how the scheme fared in other countries.

An audio message circulated by one of the ‘guiders’ in the scheme known as Alpha Romeo, indicates that at least three million Nigerians are participating in the scheme, a fact that puts in focus how massive the impact of an eventual collapse would be to Nigerians.

To put the impact in context, a Facebook user, Peter Sunday, shared a personal experience of the reaction of a policeman to the action taken by MMM administrators.

He said “We need to form prayer team to pray against suicide because of this MMM halt o. This is real. I entered a vehicle with a Mopol (mobile police) man who had been on duty since Friday and he was not aware of the MMM freeze.

“He overheard the driver and one of the passengers talking about MMM crash. All of a sudden he screamed ‘Haaaaaah! MMM crash? Haaaah. I dash money dem keep for my hand, I take put for MMM oooooooh. I am dead.’ The Mopol man then cocked his gun.”

Compared to Nigeria’s over three million participants, when MMM Zimbabwe collapsed few months ago, only about 66,000 participants fell victim. Still, it generated a nationwide heartache as many had sunk their life savings into the scheme.

A report by a Zimbabwean news website, TechZim, drew a comparison between the way the platform collapsed in the country and what is happening in Nigeria.

“In Zimbabwe, the first sign of MMM Zimbabwe coming to a halt was when the Reserve Bank effectively distanced itself from any activity outside of its regulatory scope. They were powerless to either stop MMM Zimbabwe or help those who could potentially be affected by its subsequent demise. Like in Nigeria, government agencies in Zimbabwe condemned the scheme at all fronts.

“This made a lot of MMM Zimbabwe participants wonder what exactly was going on to have made the Reserve Bank come out and say they have nothing to do with MMM, confidence still remained but eyebrows started to get raised.”

TechZim reports that rumours of a possible system crash instigated a wave of panic withdrawals which led to a pressure in the system forcing the administrators to reduce the worth of Mavro by 80 per cent. It started in April 2016 with the reduction in the Mavro growth rate from 50 per cent to 30 per cent and on to 20 per cent. Growth rate offered by MMM Nigeria is currently 30 per cent.

At the end of the day, the amount of PHs (Provide Helps)could not meet up with the GHs (Get Helps). That was the final straw for MMM Zimbabwe.

Almost every social media space in Nigeria currently hosts arguments for and against MMM. Many genuinely believe that the freezing of accounts was a step in the right direction considering the massive cashing out (or ‘GHing’ in MMM-Speak) for the festive period, which might collapse the system.

But others have said the January reopening would not happen considering what happened in other countries such as South Africa and Zimbabwe, where the scheme has collapsed.

A South African, ThendoStivo, who shared his views on Facebook, said those expecting that the freeze on Mavros (MMM credits) would be lifted in January should probably not hold their breath.

‘’You should have learned from your brothers and sisters here in South Africa. Our old Mavro money is gone as we speak and MMM is at silence as we speak (sic) so watch out for this Ponzi scheme, I have also learned my lesson here in South Africa. But at least it is not too much money that I lost (sic),” he posted on Facebook.

When MMM collapsed in South Africa, the administrators also blamed it on the panic orchestrated by untrusting media in the country. In fact, they accused the media of “persecuting” the platform.

Read More at: The Punch

Pictures of Bala Mohammed, Reuben Abati, Obanikoro, FFK & Bashir At EFCC Detention Cell

From left: Senator Bala Mohammed, Reuben Abati, Senator Musiliu Obanikoro, Femi Fani-Kayode and Engineer Bashir Ushaq Bashir pictured together at the EFCC underground cells while they were in detention in November 2016

Good News: MMM to release money in batches

Less than a week after it froze accounts of Nigerian participants, a mysterious website has popped up claiming that the authorities of the popular ponzi scheme, MMM, is set to lift the ban it placed on monies in the scheme following outcry by participants of the scheme in Nigeria, just as the scheme has moved to Kenya.
The news of the ban lift is coming after a purported  emergency meeting was  held  on Wednesday, December 14, 2016 by MMM Nigeria Global, which said the ban was to restructure the scheme.
At the end of the meeting, MMM Nigeria issued a communiqué that, within the one month of mavro ban, it will continue growing.
“The freeze periods may even be less than one month, but it all depends on programmers and how fast they can finish. This year, we will have a new model to help make this community sustainable in Nigeria.
“We will post clarification with more details about the frozen mavro on everyone’s Personal Office (PO). Some mavros will be released before the 30 days release date probably in batches.
“Next week, we will implement change of guider button on every participants PO. New section in our PO will be installed this week. PH and GH order dispatching has been stopped for a while, meaning they aren’t matching anyone for the meantime. We will use this period to tackle other issues we have with support.”
The leadership of the scheme in Nigeria said the progress, failure and expectation of the scheme depends on the participants.
“MMM Nigeria’s progress depends on you, your expectation determines the future. You determine what you want. You have to encourage yourselves and your downlines.”
Recall that MMM froze mavros of participants for one month, but its Nigerian operators have recently said the ban might be lifted within days.
However, on the MMM reclaimed website, it specified that it will help MMM Nigerian participants reclaim their mavros. “Nobody deserves to be made to suffer for helping others. We will help you reclaim your mavros,” the website said.
Meanwhile, latest report said that the ponzi scheme has moved to Kenya. reports that in Kenya, the scheme has promised a 40 per cent profit for every investment by participants, unlike the 30 per cent return for people who participated in the pyramid scheme in Nigeria and South Africa.
Just like Nigeria, MMM Kenya already has a Facebook account and YouTube account. A circular sent out to all users of the scheme during the late hours of Monday, December 12, said all money has been frozen for a month. The circular, however, calmed the participants down, saying it is to help prevent any problems during the New Year season and also to tackle the media frenzy that has been going on in the country.
The letter read: “Dear members! As usual, in the New Year season, the system is experiencing heavy workload.
Moreover, it has to deal with the constant frenzy provoked by the authorities in the mass media. The things are still going well; the participants feel calm; everyone gets paid – as you can see, there haven’t been any payment delays or other problems yet – but it is better to avoid taking risk.”
Moreover, there are almost three weeks left to the New Year, hence, on the basis of the above mentioned, from now on all confirmed mavro will be frozen for a month. The reason for this measure is evident. We need to prevent any problems during the New Year season, and then, when everything calms down, this measure will be cancelled.”
‘’We hope for your understanding, ‘’Administration’’
In May, MMM South Africa also announced a freeze. According to reports, it is still frozen till now.

Recall that both the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) have warned investing public over the scheme

Read More: Sun News

FULL AUDIO: Governor Wike Caught On Tape Arranging With INEC Officials To Rig Rivers Election, Threatens To Kill INEC Officer

Governor Nyesom Wike of Rivers State has been caught on tape as he held a telephone with officials of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), arranging payment to the officials in exchange for their help in rigging the recently concluded legislative elections in the state.
The telephone conversations, exclusively obtained by SaharaReporters, revealed the governor arranging with INEC officials, particularly those sent from Plateau State, to rig the election for candidates of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Etche, Khana, Ikwerre and other key local government areas in the state.

One of Mr. Wike’s phone calls went to a female INEC official who was complaining that the money offered by the governor was not sufficient for the rigging task. An infuriated Governor Wike told the woman that he had already paid the electoral coordinator in Plateau State.

At one point in the conversation, when Governor Wike was told that one of the electoral officers was reluctant to sign one of the result sheets, the governor threatened to demand his money back from the recalcitrant official. Then, as if not satisfied with his threat to collect back his money, Mr. Wike voiced his intent to kill the official, stating that the man would not leave Rivers State alive.

The chilling telephone conversation has exposed the inner workings of Mr. Wike’s scheme to rig the recent election in his state and also the collusion of INEC officials in the illicit deals. Besides, the governor’s intimation of violence also pointed to the possible bloody nature of the games played between politicians who fund the rigging of elections and the electoral officials who facilitate the scheme for quick, and often substantial, cash payments.

SaharaReporters spoke to a top INEC official in Abuja who and he confirmed that most of the electoral officers who conducted the recently concluded legislative elections in Rivers State were drafted from Plateau and Oyo States. He added that some of the electoral officials were also drafted from one of the Southeastern states.
Read More at: SaharaReporters

Ortom pleads with workers over half salary

Gov. Ortom
The Benue State Governor, Samuel Ortom, yesterday apologised to civil servants in the state for underpaying them. He, however, directed that appropriate corrective measures would be taken without delay on the matter while asking the Ministry of Finance to ensure that similar errors would not occur in subsequent salary payments.
The governor’s apology was coming on the heels of a barrage of complaints from civil servants that they were paid half salaries out of the two months’ salary promised them by the governor before the end of December, even as the Nigeria Labour Congress had issued a one-week ultimatum to the state government to pay the two months salaries from the Paris Club refund.

Read More at: New Telegraph

Woman Gives Birth To Baby With Two Heads In Lagos (photo)

A woman gave birth to a baby with two heads, on Tuesday at Med-in specialist hospital, Osogbo street, Lagos. The birth came as a surprise as various scans indicated that the woman was to deliver a set of twins.

Due to the complexity of the case, both mother and baby had to be transferred to the Lagos state university teaching hospital (LUTH) for advanced care. According to a nurse who was present for the delivery at Med-In hospital, two cots had been prepared to receive twins but to their astonishment, the baby was conjoined.

In her words;

This is the first time I am seeing anything like this. I have watched it in movies but seeing it in real life was such an experience for me. Thankfully, the surgeon ensured that they survived.As I speak to you, the mother doesn’t know the condition of the babies. She still believes and expects to carry her twins. We haven’t told her yet. Only her husband was brought into the theatre to see his children and he was the one who went with the doctors to LUTH,

According to Med-In hospital doctor, Moses Dare, the baby was rushed to LUTH to ascertain if it both heads share the same vital organs.

In his words;

There is need to find out if they share major organs together. They may have to be flown abroad for separation if they have separate hearts and other vital organs. It is possible for them to survive. I have seen cases of twins like this in movie surviving and living normal lives.Normally, when we have cases of pregnant woman expecting twins, we usually go for elective caesarean, which was what the mother opted for.

But when the doctor was trying to extract one of the babies (first one), it got stuck and when he examined further, he discovered that there were two heads in one body. We are happy that the baby was delivered alive and placed on oxygen. Both heads were alive.It was really amazing. I am proud and thankful that we delivered the baby alive. Yes, several scans were done by the mother in the course of pregnancy at different places, but none discovered any abnormality. We are thankful that the operation was successful.

The condition presently suffered by the baby is called 'Parapagus'. its a rare condition where a baby has two heads and two necks with one torso. The Nigerian ministry of health has been informed on the matter.

Read More at: Politicsngr

MMM Runs to Kenya, Promises 40% Interest on Investment

After defrauding South Africa, Zimbabwe and Nigeria, MMM has taken its message to Kenya, promising 40% per month return on investment.

The scheme, which calls itself a Global financial social network but is really just a Ponzi scheme was created by Russian criminal, Sergei Mavrodi.

MMM Dominates Google Trend As Crash Fears Heighten

MMM logo

The Mavrodi Mondial Moneybox, popular Ponzi scheme known as MMM, payment suspension for one month was top on Google search this week, an official said on Thursday.

The Google’s Communications and Public Affairs Manager, Anglophone West Africa, Mr. Taiwo Kola-Ogunlade, made the disclosure in a statement in Lagos.

He said that the search was as from December 7 to 14.

According to him, it is described as a period of shocking realities and rumours, as some of the stories that trended this week include the popular Ponzi scheme MMM, the collapse of a church in Uyo.

He said that the rumour of an air crash and the election of a new president in Ghana, among several others, also got people’s attention online.

He said, “An air of panic started on the Internet, following the news that popular Ponzi known as MMM is suspending further payment to its existing members for one month.

“The anxiety which has followed the decision has been met with varied reflections by people, who see the suspension as an impending collapse.”

Countdown to the Grammys Award and following several months of speculations, the 59th Grammy Awards which would be broadcasted live on Feb. 12, 2017, was filled with as much surprises as expected, Kola-Ogunlade said.

He said that leading the award list was Beyonce, with a total of nine nominations including albums of the year, while Drake, Rihanna and Kanye West got recognised for eight nominations for different songs.

He said that once again, the leading hitmaker and singer, Tekno dropped a new song ‘Rara’ as the year 2016 draws to a close.

He said, “The song which is laced with an afrobeat led tune was produced by Selebobo.

“The song moved away from his regular crooning on women and money and the high life, to a reflection on the state of affairs in Nigeria.”

The Google manager said that Ghana’s presidential election saw Nana Akufo-Addo being elected as president and Nigerians went on Google search to support their all-time jollof rice rival.

He said, “The incumbent president of the country, President John Mahama, has conceded defeat to the newly-elected president who was running for the third time this year.

“Mahama expressed his intentions to help him settle into his new job with ease.”

The roofs came tumbling down and the day that was meant to be a consecration turned into a mourning day, Kola-Ogunlade said.

According to him, the day was meant to be a consecration into a life of service at the Reigners Bible International Church became a trending topic for tragedy after its church building collapsed.

He said, “The incident led to the death of over 200 people with several others sustaining injuries.

“Akwa Ibom State Governor, Emmanuel Udom who was reported to have attended the event, survived with his aide. Authorities are already investigating the incident.”

Kola-Ogunlade said that the Dana Air rumoured plane crash got people’s attention online

He said, “Dana Air came out to deny the report in a newspaper which claimed that one of its plane crashed in Lagos.

“Refuting the report, the management of the airline company expressed that it was a false news, and the pictures used along with the story was of a past incident.”

The Google manager listed other trending stories this week as the regular update search on the English Premier League, news on the detained leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, Mr Nnamdi Kanu.

He said that Kanu stated that the secrets he would reveal at his ruling would ‘sink Nigeria.

Also searched for was Cristiano Ronaldo who again, wins the Balls D’or for the fourth time, as well as the release of the new song, ‘The Ultimate Street Anthem’ by Olamide and Burna Boy.

Google Trends launched in May, 2006, allows one to see how popular, search terms and its demography have been over time on Google.

Read more at: The Punch

Revealed: Why Acting EFCC Chairman Was Rejected by Senate


There are now more details about the security report that prompted the senate to reject the nomination of Ibrahim Magu as chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).

In the report, Magu is accused living in a N40million mansion paid for by one Umar Mohammed, a retired air commodore who is allegedly involved in shady deals.

“Investigation on the chairmanship of Magu revealed that in August 2008 during the tenure of Farida Waziri as the commission’s chairman, some sensitive documents which were not supposed to be at the disposal of Magu were discovered in his house. He was subsequently redeployed to the police after days of detention and later suspended from the police force,” said the report.

“In December 2010, the Police Service Commission (PSC) found Magu guilty of action prejudicial to state security – withholding of EFCC files, sabotage, unauthorised removal of EFCC files and acts unbecoming of a police officer, and awarded him severe reprimand as punishment.

“Notwithstanding, sequel to the appointment of Ibrahim Lamorde as chairman, he made the return of Magu to the EFCC a top priority. Magu remained a top official of the commission until he was appointed to succeed Lamorde.

“Magu is currently occupying a residence rented for N40m at N20m per annum. This accommodation was not paid [for] from the commission’s finances, but by one Umar Mohammed, air commodore retired, a questionable businessman who has subsequently been arrested by the secret service.

“For the furnishing of the residence, Magu enlisted the Federal Capital Development Authority to award a contract to Africa Energy, a company owned by the same Mohammed to furnish the residence at the cost of N43m.

“Investigations show that the acting EFCC chairman regularly embarked on official and private trips through a private jet owned by Mohammed.

“In one of such trips, Magu flew to Maiduguri alongside Mohammed and Nnamdi Okonkwo, the MD of Fidelity Bank, who was being investigated by the EFCC over complicity in funds allegedly stolen by the Immediate past petroleum minister, Diezani Alison-Madueke.

“Furthermore, the EFCC has so far maintained a high-profiled lifestyle. This is exemplified by his preference for first-class air travels. On 24 June, 2016, he flew Emirate airlines first-class to Saudi Arabia to perform lesser hajj at the cost of N2.9m. This is in spite of Mr President’s directive to all public servants to fly economy class.

“Magu has fostered a beneficial relationship with Mohammed who by his confession approaches clients for possible exploitation, favours and associated returns.”

However, in the report, the secret police cleared members of the board of the anti-graft agency — Nasule Moses, Lawan Maman, Garandaji Imam Naji and Adeleke Adebayo Rafiu — of any wrongdoing.

Usman Abusidiq, a blogger, had made the same allegations for which the EFCC arrested him, keeping him in detention for about 48 hours.

As of the time of filing this report, calls to Magu’s phone line did not go through.

Also, calls and a message to Wilson Uwujaren, EFCC spokesman, for a reaction to the report, were not answered.

Read More at: The cable 


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